What are your needs?

Needs Analysis is a review of your situation to determine needs and find solutions for those needs. Each person or family is different and there is no “standard” policy that meets everyone’s needs. Needs also change throughout the course of your life. When you are young and just starting a family and career, you might need to plan for what your spouse, children and even parents might need in the event you were no longer available to support them. As children grow and graduate from school, they may no longer need your financial support in the same way they did as young children. When the mortgage is paid off, you may not need to be concerned about the living expenses in the same way as when you had a monthly mortgage payment. As you plan for the future, your plans may adjust from finding replacement financial assistance in the event of your death and may be more concerned with providing retirement income and security.

We would be happy to work with you and your family to determine your current insurance needs as well as to assist you with planning for your changing needs in the future. Our primary purpose is not to sell you insurance but rather we are here to help you determine your needs and to help you identify your needs and obtain the best solutions to meet those needs within your budget.

One thing always remains constant, Life insurance costs increase with age and deteriorating health conditions. You cannot plan too early. Contact us today to arrange a no obligation insurance needs analysis.