$9.95/mo Buy’s What?

There are probably more ads for final expense insurance (burial insurance) than any other type of insurance advertising (except medicare advantage) on tv or by direct mail through postcards and flyers.  Why?  Probably because it is a very profitable niche for both the insurance companies and insurance agents.  These ads appeal to the “moral nature”…
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Life Insurance Risk Classification

Before requesting quotes for Term or Final Expense insurance, you should objectively classify yourself for risk similar to that used by the insurance companies. You know your medical history and current ailments. You know the medical history for immediate family. This process is not to disqualify yourself, but rather to obtain realistic quotes. In addition…
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What is Life Insurance

Understanding Life Insurance Simply put, life insurance is a contract between an Insurance Company (the carrier) and You (the policy owner, normally the insured) in which the carrier agrees to pay a predetermined amount (the death benefit) to your selected beneficiaries upon your death, in return for your paying specified insurance premiums for the term…
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How much Life insurance do I need?

Everybody has different needs. The amount of life insurance you need is based on your individual situation and will change during the course of your life. Basically it comes down to how much money your loved ones would need to remain on firm financial ground if you or your earnings were no longer in the…
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What are your needs?

Needs Analysis is a review of your situation to determine needs and find solutions for those needs. Each person or family is different and there is no “standard” policy that meets everyone’s needs. Needs also change throughout the course of your life. When you are young and just starting a family and career, you might need…
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Simplify Term Life Insurance

Obtaining term life insurance is simple 1. Select your coverage Choose a policy that is right for you. Bryant Insurance Solutions offers a range of coverage options, with the best Insurance Companies, so we can personalize your coverage to fit your needs.  2. Make Application After you select your plan, you apply  for coverage. Our application can…
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What insurance is best?

Best type of insurance

When choosing between term and whole life, consider these 3 factors: the purpose of the insurance policy how long will you need the insurance policy the cost of the insurance policy Whole Life Insurance is a life insurance contract with level premiums that has both an insurance and an investment component. The insurance component pays a…
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Final Expense Insurance

After a loved one passes away, close family members rarely have much time to grieve properly. Adult children of the deceased, or other family members, usually need to ensure that burial and funeral arrangements get properly made and guests get notified. Also, some people may need to travel, take time away from their jobs, or…
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Long Term Care

As people age or become ill, they sometimes need help doing daily tasks like getting dressed, bathing and more. Long-term care (LTC) provides people with those services—but it’s expensive. Long Term Care is the type of care received either at home or in a facility, when someone needs assistance with activities of daily living, such…
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Great! So you have life insurance, now what?

You have planned and prepared for the future needs of your family if something should happen to you. You have made preparations to financially care for your loved ones if you die? Future planning may have made provision for your family to continue to live life comparable to what you have been providing, and even…
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